ALL OF US WERE BORN CREATING — when you first crawled, when you first made sounds, when you drew shapes on your plate through spaghetti sauce with your fingers. That’s right, already you were a masterful creator. Who did not run a garden hose upon the ground and watch the worlds it created with the channels it carved into soil? Who didn’t focus on that microscopic world and see jungles made of shoots of grass and leafs of clover? We could shrink down to nearly the size of molecules and live inside that world in an instant. We played there, we became characters and spoke to our friends as if they really were the colorful beings we encountered in our tiny adventures. This workshop is to spark what we came here with, the urge to create. We will do that with writing. You need not already be a writer — you’re a dreamer, you always were and that is not gone. Writing freely is the trick. And I’ll help you with some simple exercises, prompts and methods.
You could name a thousand reasons why we create and they might all be true. But none of them would be more true than this; We ARE Creators. We were born Co-creators with the Source and Love of Life which sparked our very existence. And here is something you may not have often thought about; Our creativity is NEEDED NOW. Creativity leads you out of worrying, out of pain and fear and anger. And certainly out of boredom. This trust, this wonder and love and imagination within us is needed in the world because it is intrinsically a part of human beings evolving and surviving and becoming more conscious. So why not unleash our brilliance? Why not unleash that same joy you felt as a child with a box of crayons and sheets of paper? I promise you it is possible.
This is a workshop for everybody, at all levels of creativity. Whether you’re an artist, a writer, a musician, a neighbor, a mother, a father, an actor, retired, bored to death, this is for you. This is a non-competitive workshop. No one gets put on the spot. If you wish to read what you write in our exercises, you may. But some will and some won’t and there is never any pressure. I believe you will find yourself inspired to leap beyond what you thought was your genre, your limits, your experience. And as I’ve seen in every one of these workshops, people are always surprised at what is ready to come through your writing in an instant, when you trust and let go. All of this will take place in my colorful living room, where we can talk and laugh. I will sing to you and we will create.
I look very much forward to spending this time with you.
~Michael Tomlinson
SAT ~ FEB 3, 2024 11 AM - 4 PM (PDT) - Live on Zoom
I'll email you your Zoom link and invitation the day before the workshop.
Click here to REGISTER
$125 per person
Email me any ol' time at