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Alive on Zoom
6pm Pacific



I  LOVE  THE  THANKSGIVING  SEASON  and for many years I’ve hosted my own small concerts and gatherings at this time of year. The last three years I’ve created online concerts with a special colorful atmosphere of video and lighting that flows wonderfully with my songs and stories. People come from all around the country to watch and listen here in my own living room. If you haven’t been to one of my online concerts, I think you’ll be surprised at how intimate and close they feel. I was surprised, myself. It wouldn’t work if the audio wasn’t exceptional — and it is. The depth and quality of my voice and guitar are as rich and warm as they are onstage. 


You can watch on your computer or tablet or phone or your big screen tv, in which case it looks like I’m about 3 or 4 feet from you because that’s how close I am to the camera. Also, for you guitar players who’ve always wondered how to play my songs, I try to make sure that my guitar neck is in the frame so you can finally figure out those super secret chords my fingers make. For the first time, we’re going to Turn ON CHAT between songs, so you can share greetings and thoughts with me and let me know how you are. It would be distracting to use Chat during the songs, but in between them, I think it will add some sparks of humor and connection that will feel even more intimate. I hope you’ll join us, all warm and cozy in your house, gathered around in my living room this Saturday, November 4. The concert begins at 6pm Pacific and usually runs a couple of hours. I’m really looking forward to seeing you and singing for you.


Your friend in the autumn wind, Michael Tomlinson

P.S.  Email me any ol' time at

Thanksgiving Concert on Zoom

Sat - Nov 4 @ 6 pm (Pacific)

Tickets - $35  per household

NOTE: If you'd like to buy a ticket for someone who can't afford admission, add that number to your total. I'll pass it on as your gift. ~ MT



I'll email you your Zoom link and invitation the day before the show.


● It’s free and simple to join Zoom. Go to to join up. 

NOTES about audio:

● You may watch and listen on computer, laptop, phone or tablet.

● Many connect computer to big screen TV.

● If you listen on your computer, I highly recommend ear buds or head phones. Or hook up

external speakers so the sound is fuller than phone or laptop speakers.



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